If you are like me and have family members spread across the country {or even the world} you may be facing a need to hop on a plane with your baby to celebrate the upcoming holidays with your loved ones.
For many, traveling with a baby, especially on an airplane, can be a daunting task. For that reason, I thought I would break away from the typical OAAM post and share with you my latest travel experience. Hopefully, I can answer some of your questions and make your trip a little less stressful – – I can’t promise no stress though, I’m not a miracle worker.
Now, my twins are almost 10 months old and have already had some airplane travel experience. When they were almost 3 months old, we flew with them to Florida and Georgia to visit family. Then, when Sparkles was 8 months old, she and I took a girls trip to South Carolina. Now, most recently, the whole family flew this past weekend to Charleston, South Carolina to see my beautiful sister get married.
We aren’t traveling pros, but we have had enough experience to learn what has worked for us.
So, without further ado, here are my top tips for flying with a baby — plus a few hotel stay suggestions.
Tip #1: Bring a few key items, but pack light: I think the most important tip for packing when traveling with babies, is to try to have a minimalistic mindset. You just can’t bring everything! Some items that we have found helpful include:
- Baby Carrier: Being able to have your hands free to grab a suitcase, pull out a ticket, hold a drink , etc. are all things that you can easily do if your baby is snug inside the baby carrier.
- Light-weight stroller: When our babies were really little, we brought with us the snap and go stroller and checked it before security. Now that they are a little older, we brought an umbrella stroller. These lightweight strollers are vital for getting your baby around and can also be used for other functions, like feeding. Now that the twins are eating solids, we could strap them in the stroller and use it as a feeding location. Note that some airlines now have weight limits for strollers that can be checked. Check your airline for details.
- Car Seat: You will need a car seat to transport your baby upon arrival. Bring it with you and check it at the airline counter before security. There is no cost for checking baby items (car seats, strollers, etc.) We like to wrap ours in a trash bag to keep it from getting dirty.
- Baby Monitor: Now a days, these are so small and light-weight, they are easy to pack in your suitcase and they certainly have come in handy for us. We use the Summer Infant Video Monitor.
- Food Pouches: Super handy little sacks to feed your solid-eating baby on the go. We like Happy Baby brand.
- Other than the things above, we brought the minimal amount of remaining items. Clothes, 2 bottles, a blanket, coat, sippy cup, a few small toys, sleep sack, and pack n’ play sheet. Any other items we needed we just bought when we arrived at our destination (e.g. diapers, food, snacks, and formula).
Tip #2: Know the rules for getting through security: I feel like every time I fly, the rules for getting through the security line change. In one airport I have to take off my shoes, in another I need to show my boarding pass and in another I need to walk through an x-ray machine. Most of the time I feel like it might just be easiest to hop on the conveyor belt and get through it that way! Here are some suggestions for getting through this process without going completely crazy:
- Get the latest information from the web: Like I said before, the rules seem to change all the time. Make sure you go to the TSA website and find out the latest rules, regulations and tips for getting through security with an infant.
- Use the family line: The last thing you need is a cranky business person huffing and puffing behind you while you try to get the baby situated and hoist up the stroller on the conveyor belt. If the airport security has a line for families, use it!
- Leave yourself plenty of time: Get to the airport super early and don’t make yourself feel rushed to get through security. With kids, it is going to take much longer than when you were flying solo.
- Bring formula or breast milk but take it out for screening: You can bring through security formula or breast milk. Just take the containers out of your bag and lay them in one of the bins for scanning. Some airports I have been to have even asked me to take off the lid and they do some sort of odor test.
- Carry baby through the metal detector: The baby will have to come out of the stroller or carrier before you go through security.
Tip #3: Know the airlines’ rules for traveling with an infant: Each airline typically has a section on their website for information on traveling with an infant. On our most recent trip, we flew on Delta Airlines and their infant travel information can be found here. Overall, here are the general things we learned:
- Early boarding: Most airlines allow people traveling with young children to board first. I strongly recommend doing this.
- Infant in arms: Most airlines allow children under the age of two to fly for free by traveling on your lap. If your child is close to the age of two or looks older than they really are, I would suggest bringing their birth certificate with you. An infant in arms designation will need to be on your ticket to be able to get through security. Also, if you are traveling with twins, note that you cannot sit in the same row with your husband carrying the other twin. Apparently, there is an issue with the number of oxygen masks in each row. There cannot be two “infant in arm” travelers in the same row. Also, you can’t sit in an exit row with an infant in your arms.
- Taking baby out of carrier for take off and landing: I was told on a few flights that the child must be taken out of the baby bjorn for both take-offs and landings. Personally, this makes absolutely no sense to me as it seems that an extra layer of protection for the baby would be helpful, but I have no interest in arguing with a flight attendant. Just know you might have to take them out.
Checking strollers at the gate: If you want to take your stroller all the way to the gate, you will need to check it at the gate. The gate attendant will give you a tag to place on the stroller. You will then roll it to the end of the loading bridge and leave it there. When you de-plane, wait in the same spot to retrieve your stroller before exiting the jetway. Remember to check your airline information for any weight restrictions for checking strollers.
Tip #4: Keep baby comfortable
- Diaper changes: Change their diaper before getting on the plane and between flights. I have yet to be on a plane where the bathroom has a changing table. Little Bruiser got a bump on his head on his first flight when we encountered some turbulence while changing his diaper in the airplane bathroom. Ask the flight attendants if there is a diaper changing table on the plane, if not, it is challenging.
- Snacks: Bring lots of snacks to keep them entertained and their tummies full during the flight. I like to have on hand Cheerios (stored in this handy container), baby mum-mums, and yogurt melts. Also, bring plenty of formula if you aren’t nursing. Bring enough for the entire day just in case you have to deal with flight delays.
- Ear Popping: So far, my kids have not had any issues with ear pressure while flying. I always try to make sure they are either sucking on a pacifier or a bottle during take off and landing and this seems to address the issue.
- Dressing in Layers: I always find that the temperatures on airplanes are very unpredictable. Make sure you dress your little one in layers so that you can adjust accordingly.
Tip #5: Know your hotel options
- Reserve a pack ‘n play or crib for your room: Traveling with a pack ‘n play is no fun, so if you are staying in a hotel at your destination, reserve one there. I have found that most hotels have these items available, you just have to ask. I always bring my own sheets, though 🙂
So that is it. Those are my top tips for flying with a baby. What did I forget? What questions do you have or what tips do you use that you would like to share? Let us know by leaving a comment!
Disclaimer: The FAA recommends using a government approved child restraint system (CRS) when flying with your child. For more information see here http://www.faa.gov/passengers/fly_children/crs/.
Thanks for the very helpful tips! So you were able to bring snacks from home for your little one on the plane in containers (meaning, not pre-packaged store-bought snacks)?
Yes. You can bring whatever you want. The only restriction on food products is on liquids. They will, however, wave that restriction for milk.
Glad to hear you found the post helpful!