It’s beginning to look a lot like…holiday time in CT! Can you guess where we’re getting some holiday shopping done today? C’mon. We won’t give you such an easy one next time 🙂
Archives for 2011
OAAM Guide to 2011 Hartford Holiday Happenings
This post contains information from a previous year and does not reflect current events or schedules. Stay tuned for the 2012 OAAM Holiday Events Guide! I hope our readers had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I hope you stuffed yourself silly with turkey and the fixins (my Southern roots are showing) and enjoyed time with family and […]
Wordless Wednesday: Happy Thanksgiving!
We will be taking a few days off from posting to enjoy Thanksgiving with our families. We hope you all have a wonderful Holiday! Come back on Tuesday because we will be revealing our list of fun holiday events for the Hartford area. Picture of Bruiser and Sparkles testing out their “First Thanksgiving” bibs. Picture […]
OAAM Guide to Holiday Shopping with your Kids
So this is an exciting week. Not only do we have a big holiday on Thursday, Thanksgiving. Â But to some, we may even have a bigger holiday on Friday, BLACK FRIDAY! Let the holiday shopping season officially begin! You may be reading through the advertising section of your newspaper, watching the crazy Target lady commercials […]
Festive, fun, and fast! Pine cone crafts to welcome the holiday season.
Over the past few weeks, we’ve been bringing you some posts on great places to get outside and walk with the kiddos (like Westmoor Park, Elizabeth Park, and the West Hartford Reservoir) before we all have to hibernate for the cold winter months. And nothing necessitates a walk more than that four-hour Thanksgiving feast, right? Now, […]
A Walk in Elizabeth Park
The weather has really been mild the last couple of days, so Shawna and I thought it would be nice to meet up for a walk in the park. Since our kids are still in strollers, we needed to go somewhere that had stroller-friendly walking paths. Since we had already been to the Reservoir (one […]
Wordless Wednesday: Professional Photos
After Shawna’s post about getting your little one trimmed up for their holiday photos, I thought it would be fun to post some photos of our kiddo’s recent photo shoots. These were done by a local photographer, Christina Houser. Getting a kid to sit still, let alone capturing a great picture is truly an amazing […]
Looking Sharp at Scissor Kids Salon
I was browsing in the children’s section at TJ Maxx the other day, and I happened to overhear (alright, alright, I was totally eavesdropping) a couple lamenting about the stress that always seems to accompany the annual family holiday picture. They have to find coordinating outfits for their two young girls (which they have to […]
Take a Walk – Westmoor Park Trails
Before Halloween and before the drama of “Snowtober”, I did a post on the Gentle Touch class at Westmoor Park. Well, petting adorable farm animals and slithery reptiles isn’t the only action at Westmoor. The park also has some easy walking trails that are a great option if you want to get out of the house […]
Wordless Wednesday: Did you vote?
They may be too young to vote, but they certainly look cute with their “I voted” stickers.