If your kiddos are anything like mine, they are going to play nicely with all those shiny new toys they received for the holidays for about 5 minutes before they start bouncing off the walls (and into each other) and we need to find an activity–preferably outside the house–pronto. And if you find yourself in one […]
Archives for December 2015
A Holiday Spectacle at The Glastonbury Planetarium
This post was written in 2015, so be sure to check their website for the current schedule of shows. 2015 Post: As many of you may already know, I live in Glastonbury, CT. And I am always driving past the beautiful, (relatively) new Glastonbury-East Hartford Elementary Magnet School on Oak Street. In case you aren’t […]
It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye
—————————————————————————– But first, a note from Shawna: I’m going to wager that some of you read the title of this post and had a moment of panic. I know what that feels like because it’s exactly the emotion that came over me a few months ago when Mandy first shared her news that she would […]
Gallery Cinemas in Colchester
UPDATE 6/14/16: Check out Gallery Cinemas in Colchester’s Summer Kids Series! Wednesday mornings at 10:00am starting June 15th. Just $2/person. Find the 2016 lineup here. 2015 Post So…has anyone taken their little ones to see The Good Dinosaur yet? How did it go? I ask because I, ummm, somewhat naively took my little guys to […]