But first, a note from Shawna:
I’m going to wager that some of you read the title of this post and had a moment of panic. I know what that feels like because it’s exactly the emotion that came over me a few months ago when Mandy first shared her news that she would be relocating to Florida. Panic followed by numbness. Because I couldn’t even begin to imagine a near future that didn’t include Mandy and, perhaps just as impossibly, our blog.
You see, the funny thing about blogging is that oftentimes the blog doesn’t just become part of your life, it actually defines your whole lifestyle. That’s how it is for us, and I think that’s what has made our blog so successful. We don’t just write a blog. We actually live it. And life without the blog? What would that look like?
We spent the following weeks and months talking and thinking and talking and thinking and talking some more. We figured out what we could and couldn’t, would and wouldn’t, and wanted and didn’t want to do. And I’m happy to report that we have come up with a plan that feels right for us and right for the blog and right for all of you out there who have embraced our site and supported us and given us the power to explore and create and share. I’m excited to be moving forward with new inspiration, new goals and new opportunities.
I’m going to let Mandy tell you all the details in her own words. But first, I needed to say a few words of my own.
For those of you who don’t know the whole story, Out and About Mom was forged in the crucible of new parenthood as Mandy and I, like many before us, struggled to take on our new roles as mothers. I used to think that it was the blog outings that saved my sanity in those early blogging/parenting days. That getting out and having fun with my new little family attenuated the tedium that sometimes (heck, let’s be honest: most times) accompanies life with an infant. But I was only half right.
The blog was also a constant connection with my good friend, Mandy at a time when keeping connected to anyone or anything was a monumental challenge. The blog gave us daily calls, texts or emails. It motivated us to synch our schedules and create more opportunities for joint outings with the kids. And occasionally, though not nearly as much as we would have liked, it gave us an excuse to get together at a coffee shop or a restaurant or just at Mandy’s house with a bottle of wine and call it a “meeting.” We saw each other through fussy babies and teething toddlers; first steps and first days of school; massive snowstorms and sweltering heat waves; second pregnancies and new newborns; and even, now, new homes.
There are times when I wonder if I would have been overcome by the weight of new motherhood had I not had Mandy in my life. She lifted me up when I was low. She encouraged me when I was uncertain. And she shared in my everyday joys and accomplishments however small those may have been. For the blog and beyond she was my cheering squad, my sounding board and, when I needed it (which was often), my voice of reason. I will always be grateful for her support, her friendship, and for bringing me along on this amazing adventure we call Out and About Mom.
Mandy– I wish you and your family the very best of luck in your new home state. And even though you are 1,000 miles away, I promise that we still have a few adventures yet to come 🙂
I have some news to share and have procrastinated sharing this news because it is a big change for me, my family, and the blog.
Recently my husband was offered a new position in his company which would require us to relocate to Orlando, Florida. While we have grown to completely love Connecticut, it was something we really needed to consider both for his career and for the opportunity to be much closer to family (my husband grew up in Florida and I grew up in South Carolina). It was such a tough decision for us, but in the end we knew it was the right move to make.
So, we are moving to Florida and the move is actually happening this week. We’ve been packing up our house and then will load Bruiser, Sparkles, Sweetheart, and our dog into the car and make our way from Connecticut to Florida (it’s going to be a long trip!). I’m dreading those last moments at our home — I certainly won’t be able to stop crying when we pull away from the house for the last time. I’m going to miss this state, my town, my kid’s school, our friends, all of the wonderful people I’ve had the opportunity to work with, and I’m really going to miss getting a chance to share our weekly adventures on the blog.
I’m seriously unable to put it into words, but this blog has been a HUGE part of my life as a mom. It forced me to get out of the house with the kids, it gave me a little financial cushion to have some amazing experiences with my family, it gave me the opportunity to have an excuse to spend time with my good friend Shawna, and I’m hoping some of my posts helped inspire other moms (and dads and grandparents, etc.) to learn about new outings for their family too. And even though there were quite a few late nights spent writing blog posts, I am extremely thankful that I have had this site to lean on these last few years.

Our first blog photo shoot with the wonderful photographer, Kathryn Deane
And the good news is that the blog will continue to be in my life even though we are moving away. I may not be playing as big of a role in the site on a day-to-day basis, but the great thing about partnerships and friendships is that you always have someone to lean on when a change happens. And thanks to Shawna, even with me leaving, the Out and About Mom blog will not be going away anytime soon. YAY!
There is so much information already on our site and so many more activities and destinations that we still want to share and Shawna is excited and inspired to continue our vision here in Connecticut while I provide some support from afar (plus mid-winter blog meetings in Orlando can now be on the agenda!) I’m lucky to have the opportunity to work with someone who has as much passion for this site as I do!
And the truth is that this change isn’t as big of a shock to the blog as it may seem. Shawna and I have actually been discussing since last spring that we probably needed to make a bit of a change with the site given our changing family situations. This past fall all three of my kids were in all-day preschool (thanks to the magnet school programs!) and Shawna’s oldest started kindergarten. The reality was that with so many of our kiddos in school, we just wouldn’t be doing as many daytime outings as we had done in the past. Plus we knew there was an opportunity to expand the blog to include some directories (like our birthday party directory) and update our advertising structure, plus many other opportunities that continued to present themselves to us. Since we were spending all of our free time writing, we didn’t always have time available to invest in those other areas. So we decided to reach out to some other awesome moms and see if they would be interested in sharing their favorite outings on Out and About Mom. And they were! We’ve already had a few guest blog posts from the amazing Ally Noel and are planning to add other guest bloggers soon. With a few other writers in the mix, Shawna (with a little help from me) will be able to focus and grow some other areas of the blog. So exciting!
As I’ve been thinking about this “goodbye” post and this blog, I started reminiscing about all of the great experiences I’ve had as part of it. From my first blog post at Hammonassett State Park to getting the opportunity to be on television and radio, to going on outings with Shawna and other friends, it has been an amazing ride.

A Better Connecticut shoot with Melissa Cole. We loved these location shoots.

And a picture with our favorite co-hosts on Better Connecticut!
Oh there were so many adventures over the last four years and so many changes with the site too. And now this week will be another big transition for the blog and a big personal change for me and my family. I am excited to see what the future holds, but I’m so sad to be leaving here. Having been raised in the south, our move to New England nine years ago was a very scary change. But my husband and I survived and we learned how to buy better winter gear and developed some serious snow shoveling skills. We also learned how amazing the summer and fall can be in this area and that is one major thing I will miss.
I know I do really need to say goodbye because this may be my last blog post on the site (though I am hoping to have time to pop back in every now and then). But in the words of Boyz II Men (did I spell that right?) it really is so hard to say goodbye. So instead of saying goodbye, I’m just going to say THANK YOU.
Thank you for reading my blog posts when I was a brand new mom and really had no idea what pictures I should be taking at a site I was covering (reading some of my first posts is pretty hilarious).
Thank you for continuing to follow and support our site over the past four years. I hope you will be inspired by the outings we have written about and will continue to enjoy the future posts on the site.
Thank you for sharing our site with your neighbors and friends. That has been one major area of growth for us, and it is all thanks to you.
Thank you for your feedback on the site, for sharing outing ideas with us, and for being our cheerleaders and encouraging us to continue writing. That got me through many nights when I didn’t feel like finishing a post. Seriously!
And thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to read our posts and go out and actually try some of the places we’ve suggested. That makes it all worth it!
Aww Mandy! Sorry to hear you are moving. You and Shawna are such great people and inspired me to start my blog when we moved out to AZ! Best wishes on your move! There’s something to be said about blogging about cross country moves with kids ??!
Thanks Victoria! You have been so supportive of our site and I wish you the best of luck with your site! Hope all is well in AZ 🙂
Good luck in all your endeavors! My friend Melissa and I just started a blog, encompassing all New England travel for Families. Reach out if you would be interested in us writing a guest post for you. Best Wishes. Sarah
Thanks Sarah! I will pass your name onto Shawna as she is currently handling the guest bloggers. Best of luck to you and your friend with your new blog. I will check it out!
Good luck to you and thank you so much for this blog. I’ve gotten some great ideas from it and have been to many new places because of you guys. It’s my go to place to find family outings. Take care!
Jenn – Thank you!
Best wishes in your big move – thank you so much to both of you for providing this resource over the years. My oldest is 4 1/2 now and this blog has been a lifesaver for me & my family. We’ve explored so many new places thanks to you both. And I always loved your attention to detail & practicality. But…life changes; kids grow; we evolve and roll with it. So glad the site won’t be going away since its a goldmine of information for any parent. Thank you, thank you, and best wishes in your move, Mandy!
Your comment means so much to me! I’m so happy to hear that the blog has made such an impact on your family.
Mandy, wishing you the best of luck in your new life adventure. I met you at the West Hartford library when you were pregnant with the twins and would see you here and there on different adventures. You were always very kind and it’s too bad we won’t be running into each other any more. Many adventures await in Orlando, I am sure. So happy you will be closer to family as we are also transplants away from our families and it is definitely hard. Best wishes!
This is I think my first time commenting, but THANK YOU, to both of you, for keeping this blog going! I moved to West Hartford from San Francisco in January 2012 with my husband and our then-5-month old, were joined by another little boy in September 2013, and so in a very real sense our kids have followed right behind both of yours and we were able to perfectly follow your adventures! Thanks to both of you, we learned about b.good and the Torrington KidsPlay and local PYO farms and many other cherished family fun spots. Best of luck to both of you and your families in the next life phases!
Runa – Thank you so much for your kind comment! I’m so happy to hear that our site got you out and about 🙂 Sounds like you’ve been on some great adventures.
I would also be interested in doing a guest post and can be reached via the email address above.
Thanks Spring! I will pass this onto Shawna as she is currently managing our guest bloggers and content.
Good luck on your new adventure!!! You’ll be missed!!!
Hi Suzanne! Thank you for your words of encouragement and thank you for creating such an amazing place in CT for my kids to learn and grow. We so love The Little Green Tambourine and how I wish there was something like that here in Orlando! We miss you! You have created such an amazing place for families and I wish you much success in the future!!
Thank you so much for your outing ideas. We have used so, so many. Just like you two, I am grateful for those mom friends of mine that helped me through those preschool, toddler, baby toting years. I have recommended your site to many moms. I am so happy for your success, you two have done a ton of work.
Kayla – Thank you so much for your kind words and thank you for recommending our site to your friends. That means so much!
WHOA! That IS huge news! I am happy for your opportunity for growth, b/c I think that although change can be scary, I really believe it usually always strengthens and grows a person who goes into it looking for the opportunity, as you definitely seem to be doing! I look forward to hearing from you from afar. And I’m really glad to hear that OAOM isn’t going away! I’m sad we never got the chance to meet up and discuss blogging, but I am always open to virtual blog chats! 🙂 Best of luck to you in Orlando!! And Shawna, I know you’re going to keep up the great work!!
Hi Julie! I am so bummed that we didn’t get a chance to meetup before I left. Our lives just became crazy once I found out we were heading south. I hope you and Shawna will still have a chance to meet up and, of course, we could always “chat” virtually. That would be fun! Thank you so much for all of your support along the way and for your mentorship. I wish you so much success as your site continues to grow and expand!
I had emailed you last year when my family and I were relocating to the area. You were both so helpful and we ended up in Glastonbury. We have been here for 5 months and absolutely love it! Wanted to let you know though that we actually moved from the Orlando area. We spent the past 10 years in a Lake Mary. So, if I can help you at all with your relocation, please let me know. All the best to you and your family.