Please note: This post was originally published in 2017. Please visit the Trail of Hope Facebook Page for the most current information. 2017 Post: Greetings Out and About Moms (and Dads)! Audrey here. As Shawna has updated you, my little family added a member in September and we’ve been very busy adjusting and welcoming our […]
Archives for 2017
Holiday Fun at Westfarms Mall
Thank you to Westfarms Mall for providing my family with a complimentary experience for the purpose of writing this post. All opinions are 100% my own. It’s no secret – there are a lot of really fun things we get to do when we go out on our OAAM adventures – we get to check […]
Wood Memorial Library & Museum Gingerbread House Festival
PLEASE NOTE: This post was written in 2017. Please see their website for the most up-to-date information. ——————————————————————————————————————– We first visited the Wood Memorial Library & Museum in South Windsor, CT for their annual Gingerbread House Festival four years ago. Back then my older son was still a preschooler and my little guy was, well, little. […]
GingerBread Lane at The Children’s Museum in West Hartford
Cut to the chase. Take me to the Momsense. Thank you to The Children’s Museum for giving my family complimentary admission to the museum for the purpose of writing this post. All opinions are 100% my own. Next weekend we are headed to Lyman Orchards for one of their gingerbread house decorating sessions. We did […]
Out and About Mom’s 2017 Holiday Guide
Happy Thanksgiving Out and About Mom readers! We hope each of you enjoys this week and the chance to spend time with family and friends. And before you get too busy, we wanted to share with you some information to help you get a leg up on the Connecticut holiday season. Now we know Thanksgiving week can […]
Thanksgiving Break Outing Ideas for Connecticut Families
So it’s the week before Thanksgiving and you know what that means. It means we’re hard at work on our 2017 Holiday Guide! (What? You were expecting something about turkey? ) But while Mandy is sifting through our favorite holiday activities and putting together our annual “to go” list, I thought it might be […]
The NEW Jonathan’s Dream Playground
PLEASE NOTE: This post was written in 2017, and while it should still give you a good overview of the experience, it may also contain some outdated information. Please be sure to visit their website for the most up-to-date information, especially about things like hours & pricing. 2017 Post: Mandy and I were so excited to […]
Golf Skills and Life Lessons at The First Tee
This has been a doozy of a week in Connecticut! Fallen trees, downed wires, widespread power outages, school closures. My older son’s elementary school was shut down for two days and my little guy’s preschool has been power-less (and closed) all week, so you can guess how much *free* time I’ve had for the blog these […]
Haunted Mini Golf at Farmington Miniature Golf and Ice Cream Parlor
UPDATE 2018: Unfortunately, there will be no Haunted Mini Golf for the 2018 season 2017 POST: Thank you to Haunted Mini Golf for providing Tiffany and her family with complimentary admission for the purpose of writing this post. All opinions are 100% our own. Are you looking for a spooky activity for your little […]
Go Karts and (Much) More at Sonny’s Place in Somers, CT
PLEASE NOTE: This post was written in 2017, and while it should still give you a good overview of the experience, it is also possible that it may contain some outdated information. Please be sure to check their website for the most current information, especially about things like hours & pricing. UPDATE 2023: Sonny’s Place has added […]