PLEASE NOTE: This post was written in 2017, and while it should still give you a good overview of the experience, it may also contain some outdated information. Please visit their Facebook page for the most current information.
2017 Post:
Surprise! I know you don’t usually hear from us on the blog on Mondays (or really any other day of the week besides Thursdays for that matter). But today I’ve got a brand new post for you! I’m writing this today for two reasons:
- This is the kind of outing where Mother Nature runs the show, so I wanted to make sure I could post about it ASAP (this outing is so fresh, we just went this morning!) And-
- It’s birthday season in my house (my kiddos’ big days are just a week and a half apart) and between parties and house guests and other fun celebratory activities coming up this weekend, I’m not completely certain I’ll have time to write a post on Thursday 🙂
Since my recent Facebook post about Petersen Farm in South Windsor, it seems our OAAM community is buzzing about pick your own flowers. And today I’m excited to bring you another PYO blooms outing that’s practically in my own backyard!
As a Glastonbury resident, I must have driven by the Gutt Family Farm stand dozens of times. No. Scores of times. It’s located on Addison Road which, as any Glastonburian (is that what we call ourselves?) knows, is a handy and frequently traveled throughway (not to mention the route to one of our wonderful town playgrounds).
Many times, as I’ve whizzed by–probably late to pick up someone at camp–I’ve thought how next time I would have to stop in. Well, today it was finally next time!

Just pull off the road and park somewhere in front of the stand.
With the little guy in camp, the big guy and I were free to enjoy a leisurely morning. It’s a rare occurrence that he and I get to spend any alone time together, so we were definitely going to make the most of it today 🙂
We weren’t just going to stop and smell the roses– we were going to pick them too! (Okay, okay, so technically there weren’t any roses, but you get my drift.)

Someone from the farm gave us clippers and rubber bands (to hold your bouquet).

This season’s pricing (2017).
Here, you pay $8.50 per bouquet, which is 12 flowers–any 12 except sunflowers, which are extra and cost $2.00 each. CASH or CHECKS ONLY.
Just head around back and start picking!

The big guy can cut his own stems now!

He loved selecting the flowers. There were so many to choose from!

Our bouquet taking shape.

A butterfly sighting! There were also a lot of bees (not surprisingly given it’s a field of flowers), but we didn’t find them bothersome.
It was easy to find twelve gorgeous blooms. It didn’t sound like a large number, but it makes a pretty hefty bouquet!
We couldn’t leave without one of the monster sunflowers.
No time to pick? You can also purchase a pre-cut bouquet.
The farm stand also stocks lots of fresh and local produce. We picked up some corn because really, who can resist corn straight from the field???
Now we’ve got fresh flowers, fresh corn and a fresh perspective on the Gutt Family Farm stand. I think I’ll be stopping a lot more often now!
Gutt Family Farm Stand
155 Addison Road, Glastonbury, CT
Phone: (860) 659-4465
Hours (2017):
Currently, there is a posting in the shed that says the hours are Mon-Sat 9-6, Sun 9-5.
Peak season for PYO flowers is typically late July to early August.
Pricing (2017):
Bouquets are $8.50 (for 12 stems); sunflowers are $2.00 each.
You’ll want to check out their Corn! It’s AMAZING!! Also, their farm supplies many local restaurants with produce 🙂
Hi Vicki! I agree! I just finished eating their corn for dinner 🙂