Just yesterday, my family and I went to visit a new-to-me dairy farm in Bolton, Connecticut. I first heard about this farm from one of our readers (thanks Mia!) and then heard about it again when the Lutz Children’s Museum held a fundraising event there a few weeks ago. So, on this beautiful Monday (when we were […]
Apple Picking at Belltown Hill Orchards
Cut to the chase. Take me to the Momsense. A few months ago you may remember my post on PYO peaches at Belltown Hill Orchards in Glastonbury, Connecticut. Well, on that visit I also got a tip that apple picking season would come early this year. And indeed it has. So two weekends ago we […]
Walter’s Boundless Playground at the Shoppes of Farmington Valley
Cut to the chase. Take me to the Momsense. Do you remember the post about Bruiser’s first haircut? Poor thing. I took him to Snip-its at the Shoppes at Farmington Valley. Well, since that visit several months ago, we have discovered a few more goodies at this great shopping destination. For one, you just heard last week […]
OAAM Tiny Diner Series: Buffalo Wild Wings
Cut to the chase. Take me to the Momsense. Despite the popular belief held by my friends and family, particularly my husband, I actually do look forward to the start of football season. The game itself I could take or leave, but I love any excuse to head out for hot wings, host a get-together, […]
New Play Area at The Shoppes at Buckland Hills
UPDATE 10/2016: Please note that the play area has been relocated to the food court area (near the carousel). It still looks roughly the same. PLEASE NOTE: This post was written in 2012 and while it should still give you a good overview of the experience, it is also possible that it may contain some outdated information. Please […]
Gymsters Class at My Gym Glastonbury
PLEASE NOTE: This post was written in 2012, and while it should still give you a good overview of the experience, it is also possible that it may contain some outdated information. Please check their website for the most current information, especially about things like schedules and pricing. PLEASE NOTE: My Gym Glastonbury has moved to 256 Oakwood […]
Exercising For Two: Fitness Tips From Baby Boot Camp
Today, we are so excited to have Brenda Holian, the owner of the brand new (today is the Grand Opening!) Baby Boot Camp location in West Hartford/Farmington Valley here to tell us everything we always wanted to know about pre- and post- natal exercise. A resident of West Hartford since March 2012 when she moved […]
Hop on Over to Jumpin Jonnies in Vernon
PLEASE NOTE: This post was written in 2012, and while it should still give you a good overview of the experience, it is also possible that it may contain some outdated information. Please check their website for the most current information, especially about things like schedules and pricing. 2012 POST Cut to the chase. Take me to the […]
Pick Your Own at Belltown Hill Orchards
I grew up a city kid. So, for the most part, my pick-your-own adventures were limited to the two small-ish golden delicious apple trees we had growing in our postage stamp of a backyard and, occasionally, the neighbor’s pear tree, which would sometimes bear fruit on the branches that drooped over the fence and onto […]
OAAM Tiny Diner Series: Indulge at Dakota’s Sunday Brunch
Cut to the chase. Take me to the Momsense. UPDATE 2/23/13: Current prices for the Sunday Brunch buffet are $20.95/adult; $8.95/kids ages 3-10; kids under 3 eat FREE. I’m a big believer in the ‘everything in moderation’ philosophy. However, every once in a while we all need to subscribe to the Mae West school of […]